Museum Nacht x Spa for Spirits
Performance during Museum Night at the Dokter Guislain Museum in Ghent, in collaboration with Krietjur (Daan Dekeyser - House of Lux).
Pictures by Nora Vanderstraeten
Psycho Jazz x Spa for Spirits
Performance during Psycho Jazz at the Dokter Guislain Museum in Ghent, in collaboration with Lucinda Ra.
Pictures by Alice Dooreman
House of Lux x Spa for Spirits
Performance during Pride & Paintings at the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, invited by dragqueen collective House of Lux.
Pictures by Alice Dooreman
Skinship x Spa for Spirits
Performance and food ritual at Fomu (Antwerp) in collaboration with Celebr8 Cultcakes and ‘Eat this’ during workshop by Melanie Bonajo and expo ‘When the Body Says Yes’ with Skinship collective and friends, Erika Sprey and Carolyn Giezner.
Selfside Picnic Saloon
Performance and Expo for Brussels Gallery Weekend / Generation Brussels at Imprimerie Brussels (BE).
Pictures by Nora Vanderstraeten.
De Koer x Spa for Spirits -DAY 1
Celebration weekend at community and art center De Koer in the heart of Brugse Poort in Ghent (BE) supported by Alleskan, City of Ghent and Flanders State of the Arts.
Pictures taken bij Nora Vanderstraeten.
De Koer x Spa for Spirits - DAY 2
Celebration weekend at community and art center De Koer in the heart of Brugse Poort in Ghent (BE) supported by Alleskan, City of Ghent and Flanders State of the Arts.
Pictures taken by Lieselot Sidikki
whisper me singing
at Nightshift/Gouvernement for Ghent International Festival at shoppingmall Zuid Ghent (BE). Pictures by Michiel Devijver.
BROEI x Spa for Spirits
Residency and open ateliers at medieval castle Duivelsteen in Ghent (BE) supported by Alleskan
OKAN x Spa for Spirits
with Zuidpark and youngsters of OKAN classes at Bijloke Ghent (BE) supported by Alleskan
GAG x Spa for Spirits
with the neighborhood of La(e)ken, Brussels (BE) in collaboration with GC Nekkersdal supported by Staycation
Nachtzwemmen x Spa for Spirits
collaboration with theater performance ‘Nachtzwemmen’ by Lieselot Sidikki and Jarne Van Loon at De Vooruit / VIERNULVIER Ghent (BE) with support of AllesKan